Lone Worker Tracking App Feature

Secure Your Team with Our Lone Worker Tracking App

Geolocation of lone workers on the web portal map

Overview of Our Lone Worker Tracking Technology

Our lone worker tracking app is state-of-the-art. It provides the precise location of the lone worker in the event of an alert. Of course, this information will disappear once the alarm is over. The position can be sent through various communication channels: voice call, SMS, push notification, Email, and notification via the monitoring center.

Therefore, tracking enables the efficient rescue of lone workers by their supervisors. They must arrive quickly at the site of danger because the first few minutes after an accident are usually the most critical. The tracking feature thus plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of lone workers.

geolocated truck

Core Features of Our Lone Worker Tracking System

Real-Time Lone Worker GPS Tracker

Although the GPS position of the lone worker is not constantly visible to supervisors, particularly for data privacy reasons, it is nevertheless continuously collected by our servers through the lone worker tracking app. It is then stored and encrypted in our databases, to protect it and ensure that no one has access to it.

However, it is important for us to continuously collect this position to ensure that we have a location to communicate to supervisors, whatever the context in which the alarm is triggered. Indeed, we need to transmit an alarm even if the worker enters a dead zone and the lifeline countdown ends. In this scenario, the smartphone cannot transmit its GPS position due to the lack of network coverage. We then search the servers for the worker’s last known position, which will help supervisors and rescuers locate him.

VigieApp Real-Time GPS Tracker

Precise Location Feature

GPS is sometimes not sufficient to precisely locate a person. Therefore, lone workers can also add details about their location (building name, office number, etc.) to provide more relevant information to supervisors. To add information about their location, they can directly enter the desired information in their mobile app VigieApp, which is part of the lone worker gps tracking device. In the same way, they can add a memo with the mission module directly when starting, at check-points, and when finishing their shift. This feature is generally appreciated by those undertaking long, hazardous tasks without anyone nearby.

Displaying the location and manually communicating information by the lone worker ensure that supervisors have all the information they need to assist in the event of danger. It also reassures the worker about the details that will be transmitted to their supervisors. They will then know that their supervisors can accurately locate and rescue them in case of danger.

VigieApp Precise Location Feature

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Time Check-ins and Safety Monitoring

For even greater safety, the lone worker can use the mission module. This module allows the user to perform check-ins at regular intervals by transmitting their position to supervisors. In case of a delay in validating a check-point, an alert can be sent to the supervisors, who will then be able to reconstruct the route taken by the lone worker. To simplify this function, the lone worker can select his mission from a list of pre-programmed missions.

VigieApp Time Check-ins

Geofencing and Secure Zones

Supervisors can create GPS zones (geofencing) to be alerted when a user enters a dangerous area or, conversely, exits a safe zone. These zones can also be used to change the level of protection of the lone worker safety system.

Thus, the protection mode of the lone worker can automatically switch from partial to full protection, or vice versa. This can be relevant for a worker who alternates between indoor office tasks and outdoor missions. In the first case, they are less exposed to risks and may not necessarily carry their phone in their pocket. Conversely, in the second case, they are more exposed to a risk of assault and usually work on dangerous machinery. It can then be pertinent to automatically change their protection mode when they enter or leave these zones, to activate or deactivate the no motion alert, for example.

Geofencing and Secure Zones

Lock Indoor: VigiePoint Beacons
for More Precision

To enable supervisors to accurately locate lone workers indoors, we propose installing Bluetooth beacons in buildings. The lock indoor guarantees accuracy of 5 to 10 meters indoors. This enhances the information transmitted to supervisors via the VigieApp application. This solution is easy to implement, as we handle the installation of the beacons at the client’s site. Additionally, the beacons have a lifespan of 3 years, enabling companies to invest for the long term.

Lock Indoor

Industry-Specific Benefits

Security Solutions for Retail and Hospitality

Workers isolated in large buildings should also be equipped with a safety device to protect them in case of an accident or assault. This is particularly the case for receptionists or warehouse employees. In this context, the GPS position provided by the application cannot be precise enough. That is why using an indoor lock by installing Bluetooth beacons in the building will pinpoint their exact location and bring assistance quickly.


Enhancing Safety in Healthcare

There are many lone workers in the medical field. Thus, nurses, doctors, and healthcare assistants may find themselves alone during home visits because they work in remote locations. During their duties, they can end up in areas without mobile coverage, leaving them without a means to call for help in case of an accident or assault. Implementing GPS tracking at regular intervals through the lone worker tracking app, as is done with the mission module, ensures that supervisors will be able to locate them in case of an alert.

lone worker in the medical field

Reliability for Transportation and Logistics

The tracking feature of the Neovigie solution is also very relevant for truck drivers and delivery drivers who are constantly mobile. These lone workers often work irregular hours and cover long distances. They are exposed to risks of road accidents, falls during loading or unloading of deliveries, or even assaults. The various Neovigie alert systems (fall, no motion, panic button, lifeline, etc.) provide an effective response to each of these situations. Once an alert is triggered, the lone worker will be located by supervisors who can assist.

truck driver

Integration and Compatibility

Compatible with iOS and Android Devices

The VigieApp® smartphone app is available for all types of smartphones, whether iOS or Android. You can freely download it from the Apple or Google stores. It then deploys very quickly once the account is created on the smartphones of lone workers, functioning as a lone worker GPS tracker.

A VigieApp® application is linked to a user, who logs into his account using a username and password when he starts his shift. It is not tied to a specific phone, allowing multiple users to use the same service smartphone. They are thus distinctly identified, and have settings specific to their tasks and missions.

This identification system also allows users to log in on any phone in case of a problem with their own. They can then start their service and activate their protection without having to program the device again.

App on iOS and Android Devices

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Support for Wearable Technology

To make our lone worker application flexible and adaptable to all business needs, we give employers the choice of device. They can download our application on smartphones, smartwatches, or tablets, using it as a lone worker GPS tracking device. This allows companies to adapt to specific regulations, uses, or employee assignments. In this regard, we generally recommend the watch when the risk of lone worker aggression is high, as it enables a manual alarm to be triggered quickly and discreetly. Conversely, the smartphone application allows workers to maintain their work habits without forcing them to wear a new device.

Application for smartphone and watch

Privacy and Compliance in Monitoring

Since we place great importance on the privacy of our users, we have ensured that our solution is compliant with the data privacy policies. This is why we have a strict data protection protocol. We only collect the data that is essential for the safety of lone workers.

To achieve this, we conducted a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA), which has enabled us to ensure that people’s rights and freedoms are not infringed. We also have teams dedicated to these issues, as the compliance of our solution with data privacy policies is specifically managed by a Data Protection Officer (DPO).

User, protection of personal data

Why Choose Us ?

Neovigie is a unique and innovative solution, with cutting-edge functionalities that keeps your employees safe. It’s one of the lone worker solutions, enabling supervisors to rescue them in critical situations.

To ensure the highest precision, the location tracking in the VigieApp mobile application is based on the smartphone’s GPS data. We then collect the position of the lone worker and transmit it in the event of an alarm. To provide reliable information, we also transmit the GPS position reliability indicator, enabling supervisors to assess the relevance of the information.

When an alarm is triggered, the mapping section of the VigieControl web platform automatically focuses on the location where the alarm is triggered and enables real-time monitoring. This allows the supervisor to locate the lone worker. The same map is also directly visible on the supervisor’s VigieApp mobile application.

neovigie solution recommended by customers

Features that may also interest you

Emergency Panic Button

Lone workers can directly trigger a manual alarm in case of an assault or imminent risk through the panic button.

Emergency Panic Button

Fall Detection and Alerts

If the worker falls, the fall detection alarm will automatically activate. Supervisors will then be notified and will have his exact GPS location.

Fall Detection and Alerts

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