Alberta has specific regulations for isolated work. According to the law, two conditions must be met for a job to be classified as isolated: the worker must effectively be alone, and the worker must not have easy access to help in case of injury, illness, or emergency.
Isolated work is allowed in Alberta, but employers are subject to specific obligations. They should conduct a risk assessment and apply appropriate measures to eliminate or control risks.
An employee may refuse to perform a dangerous task. In this case, he must immediately report this refusal to a supervisor or employer who will have to investigate.
Section 28 of the Alberta OHSA states that employers must provide employees in remote areas with a reliable means of communication and contact the employee regularly to ensure that they are well. The OHSA contains special provisions for people working alone in gas stations and convenience stores. The employer must provide a personal emergency transmitter that must be worn by the worker at all times when working alone. The Government of Alberta provides a guide for working in an isolated environment.NEOVIGIE offers a solution that allows me to comply with Alberta regulations.