Legal information

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The website « Neovigie » and its components are the property of the company Neovigie.
Registered office: 1 Rue Brindejonc des Moulinais - parc de la Plaine - 31500 TOULOUSE
Tel. +33 (0)5 67 77 94 47
Email address:
Société Registration at the RCS of Toulouse under the number 824 239 578
Director of the publication: Lionel LEWIN

The commitment made by the website

The website content respects laws in effect and, notably:

The law on freedom of the press, such that no text, image, or sound of a defamatory, racist or revisionist nature shall be uploaded;

In accordance with article 227-24 of the Penal Code relative to the protection of minors, no message of a violent or pornographic nature, or posing a threat to human dignity, which could be seen or received by a minor will be uploaded;

No reproduction of a protected work or a brand will be uploaded without the approval from its author, owner, or their beneficiaries.

In accordance with the LCEN law of June 22, 2004, a right of response is granted to any person named or designated on the site. The request must be sent to the publication director within three months, at the latest, following availability to the public of the message justifying this request. This insertion is free and will be done within three days following receipt of the request, but may not under any circumstances surpass two hundred lines.

The law on information systems, files, and freedoms and protection of personal information at the website of Neovigie.

Users of the website are required to respect the provisions of the law on information systems, files and freedoms, violation of which may lead to prosecution. In particular, they must refrain, with regard to personal information to which they have access, from any collection, misuse or, in general, any acts which could invade the privacy or harm the reputation of persons.

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The Company Neovigie may not be held responsible for any direct and/or indirect harm resulting from use of the website by the client and/or of any information that it contains.

The website Neovigie may refer the user to other websites using hypertext links. These links have been inserted in the site Neovigie with the authorization from the owners of linked sites. In any event, the Company Neovigie may not be held responsible for the content of its websites, which are entirely the responsibility of their owners.

Certain dangers are inherent in the use of the Internet, and the user is warned about the necessity of considering potential risks (infection by computer virus, bugs, slowdown, etc.) before proceeding to view the website Neovigie.

Supplier of hosting services


Right of access, modification, rectification, and elimination of data

Users have a right to access, modify, rectify, or eliminate the data which concerns them, in accordance with that stated in Articles 39 and 40 of the Law of January 6, 1978, modified by the law of August 6, 2004. To exercise these rights, you may contact the Company Neovigie directly by email or postal mail sent to the Company Neovigie 1 Rue Brindejonc des Moulinais - parc de la Plaine - 31500 TOULOUSE by indicating "Service Gestion des données personnelles".

Messages sent through the Internet may be intercepted. Do not disclose sensitive personal information. If you wish to send us confidential information, we advise you to use the Postal Service.

Intellectual property - royalties - copyright

The content of this website is covered by French and international legislation on copyrights and intellectual property rights.

The Company Neovigie conserves all patrimonial and moral rights related to the documents of this website, subject to the rights of the authors of works published on this website. Thus, all rights of reproduction, on electronic or paper media, are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic and/or photographic representations.

Site visitors Neovigie are prohibited from collecting, recording, deforming, or using the information to which they have access.

The Company Neovigie will take legal action against any attempt to misuse the documentation of the website.


Contact us directly for any information. Thank you for your interest in our website. Happy surfing.